Loukanikos a aboyé pour la dernière fois. Ce chien, devenu star du monde indigné, on vous en parlait en 2011 lors des manifestations contre les mesures d’austérité en Grèce. Le canidé avait l’habitude de prendre systématiquement la défense des citoyens face à la police et ses boucliers.

Considéré comme le révolutionnaire grec à quatre pattes, il restera un symbole d’inspiration pour beaucoup.

Voir la publication de Mr Mondialisation

Loukanikos, the rioting dog of Athens that inspired so many to come out and riot.
You could say he’s a symbol of the Greek left.


Loukanikos is a Symbol of Greek resistance to its blundering Government’ economic policy which has made many in Greece a lot poorer.

Creative economic policy managed by all Greek governments since 1981, the year Greece joined the EU at best could be considered disastrous and worst can be seen on streets of Greece today where average Greek needs to ask himself, do I and my family starve or do we pay bankers first. .

Political divide in this struggle is less of political ideology as much it is about new economic reality Greece is facing nowadays.

Voir la vidéo de YouTube

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