« Le monde ne sera pas détruit par ceux qui font le mal, mais par ceux qui les regardent sans rien faire. » A. Einstein.

L’expérience qui suit illustre à merveille cette citation. Incarnons le changement que nous voulons voir dans le monde.

Voir la publication de Mr Mondialisation

Why is bullying such an on going issue in society today? It’s the people who start it but is it not the people who have the capacity to put a stop to it? By watching an act of bullying with the thought of, « i was going to step in if it kept going. » you may be too late. This video opened up my eyes in ways no video has done before. Hope it promotes positive change. If you’d like, subscribe for more videos and share this video to help support the campaign and message.

The Kid getting Bullied: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=10111824&fref=ts

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I try to do videos every week! 😀

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